Friday, February 1, 2013

What should Conservatives do now? (3 of 3)

            (Recently I was asked to speak at a meeting of political conservatives in Byan/College Station/Brazos Valley, Texas. The format was three five-minute presentations, followed by a Q&A session. There were, of course, other panelists, but I do not have copies of their presentations.  Here is what I presented.)

First we are going to repeat the narrative. (Yes again, and in a tighter format each time until you can remember and relate it to others.)

            The Romantic/Marxist/ Socialist/Leftist/ Progressive narrative that explains life but doesn’t work says:

·         It is only fair to take from those who work and save and give to those who don’t, and if you do, those who are productive will continue to work just as hard, and those who are free riders will begin to contribute.  And the elite where you concentrate power to effect change won’t misuse it, because they are embarked on a moral crusade for change.

Not true. Never been true. Never worked. Never gonna work.  Their narrative is fundamentally opposed to the nature of man.

             The Conservative narrative:

·         God has given men and women rights, but to make their liberties work, they must exercise moral restraint. Government can protect citizens and promote their well-being, but being comprised of humans, it tends to abuse power, so checks and balances are essential. Stick to the wise guidance provided by the Founding Fathers, and amend our laws and Standards only as legally provided for, and we will protect civil society and stimulate growth and prosperity  in a way that benefits all citizens and our nation.

Now – what follows in the next 2 minutes is NOT a complete program for the future. This is just some ideas we can put to work.

·         Capture the conservative narrative, learn it, repeat it, share it, use it.

·         Insert that narrative into every aspect of your personal life and your civic life. Teach it to your children and your grandchildren, and encourage them to use it to change the world.

·         Use the liberty, freedom, growth and prosperity from this narrative to attack every failing of the Progressive Program. The have been lots of failures – there is about to be a flood of more (in diplomacy, the military, in health care, and especially in the economy).

·         And use the Progressive narrative to show its own failure, hypocrisy and corruption. They cannot produce a prosperous nation with the narrative they teach. They cannot promote initiative by punishing it, or reduce irresponsibility by encouraging it. Point out those failures to the world.

·         Focus on what is right for people – help the world see the Conservative Narrative as a way to help and lift up the less fortunate, not as a barrier to their progress. The original conservatives were looking forward, not back. If conservatives are not helping people, they are implementing their own ideas incorrectly.

·         Be prepared to engage – the media, academia, the courts, and your friends, family and neighbors.  We will not reestablish the conservative narrative in this nation by whispering politely from the sidelines.

·         Be prepared to jettison those who pretend to be your friends, but hurt the cause more than they help it. (Big business and conservatives who can’t find common ground with others, I am looking at you.)

·         Start promoting those new and younger leaders who understand the conservative narrative and are prepared to advance it.

·         Don’t be afraid to mention God. American politics should not look like a tent revival.  But neither can our freedoms endure if discussion of the origins of those freedoms is banned from the marketplace of ideas.

We can do this – we can return truth and justice to this nation. But we can’t do it with a cacophony of voices.  We need to rediscover the conservative narrative. Learn it. Internalize it. Teach it. Triumph with it. This great nation demands no less.

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