That’s what the President said
recently about his plan to solve the debt and deficit crisis. If “we can just
get the richest Americans to pay a little more,” we can solve this fiscal
Not even close.
At least the Republicans have
stopped claiming (as they did throughout the election) that the problem will go
away if we can just get enough tax cuts to create more jobs.
Both claims are simply wrong. On
a galactic scale. Here is some simple math that explains why.
In very round numbers, this
year’s federal budget is about $ 4.5 Trillion.
About 60% of that budget
(a bit less than $3 Trillion - what we are actually spending) is paid for by
taxes. About 40% (more than $1.5 Trillion) is borrowed.
(By the way, it is NOT borrowed primarily from China or Japan any
more, but from the U.S. Treasury. That’s right -- we are now routinely printing
money to buy the bonds we issue. We are inventing money with nothing behind it
and lending it to ourselves to pay our debts. We have seen this before in
history and it leads to catastrophe. Not the “Jimmy Carter 14% interest” kind
of catastrophe. But the “Germany in 1935 - 5 million DM for a loaf of bread”
kind of catastrophe. But that is a story
for another day.)
The 40% we are borrowing is 2/3 of the 60% we are actually
funding. This is not hard – follow me
here. If we are going to balance the debt without cuts:
· We either need to
raise 2/3 more money by new taxes above the tax we pay now, OR
We need to raise 2/3
more taxes at the current rate through new jobs.
Got it now? Raise every federal tax in America (income tax, gas
tax, customs tax, etc.) ON EVERYBODY by 66%, or increase the number of jobs by 66%. Both
absolutely impossible.
Let’s look at the Dem
solution first: Don't tax the middle class -- just raise taxes on the top 2% (it used to be 1% -- remember “we are
the 99%”?) The “simple math” does not
work. Even if you tax every penny of the
earnings of the top 2 %, you still fall far short of this year’s $1.5+ Trillion
deficit. And of course, this does not pay a penny toward the existing $16 Trillion
debt. (Read that sentence quickly – because
the debt is about to zoom over the Congressional limit once again). Also, if you take all of the earnings
from the 2%, they quit working and earning for next year. As the Soviets found out, you can confiscate
everything from “the rich” just one time.
Then you have to confiscate the wealth of the “nearly-rich” – and so on,
and so on, etc. Keep raising taxes and
people work and save less because they do not get to keep the profit from their
labor. That is why socialism always fails eventually. Always. The Dem solution of
taxing the rich to cover the deficit cannot possibly work. The rich don't have enough money.
Now the Rep solution – cut
taxes to grow the economy enough to close the deficit by taxing the new growth
at the old rates. But remember, all our current jobs only pay 60% of the taxes
we need to cover annual spending. To break even we need 40% more. That requires
growing jobs by 2/3. Really? How much of a tax cut do you think business needs
to encourage them to hire 2/3 more people? Sell 2/3 more product? Create 2/3
more businesses? Impossible. The Rep solution for covering the deficit can’t
work either.
And remember, these
solutions fail to pay the DEFICIT for just this year’s budget. The DEBT is TEN TIMES AS LARGE. The debt does not seem to matter much now
because the Treasury can control the interest rate it is paying, since it is
essentially printing pretend money to lend to itself. This is the key to the
whole scheme. If you could pay your
mortgage by printing money and lending to yourself, you could lend at 0%
interest – because you would be paying it back to yourself. Get it?
Since the election, the initial Republican plan – cutting
taxes to promote new growth – is entirely off the table. The Republican Plan B
is “just don’t end the tax cuts put in place 10 years ago.” That is not enough
to grow any new jobs, but maybe (they argue) it will keep the economy from
getting worse. As a concession to surrendering on new cuts, they want
reductions in social spending (benefits). And they are willing to compromise
with the Dems by means testing those reductions. (So if you are in the middle
class, your taxes remain the same, but the benefits you paid into are reduced
when you come to claim them.)
The President’s response
is a political “in your face.” Keep the
10 year old reductions (again, these are not new cuts and will not generate new
growth) on “the 98%” (or more precisely 51% of the 53 % that actually pay
taxes. Jack up taxes on the top 2%. Reduce some benefits by means testing. And dramatically increase other
benefits – and the deficit in the process.
Again, neither solution
can possibly work – the deficit and debt are way larger than the solutions
being offered. Unless social benefits
are reduced, taxes must go up on everyone. And the one thing both parties are
willing to give up is the government benefits earned by the middle class who
paid for them.
Oh yes – for those who
say “take the cuts from the military.”
Total military spending is about 18% of the budget. Remember, 40% of
spending is borrowed. So close the
entire Department of Defense, shut every base, release every soldier, park
every ship and tank and airplane, and stop paying every retiree, and you are
still spending 22% more than you are
taking in.
If your grown daughter
is spending 40% more than
she is taking in, would you advise her to just get a job making 40% more? Or
cut spending a little and get more income? No!
You would tell her "Stop spending now! We can worry about the
better job and more income later. Stop digging the hole now!” It’s simple math.
So why don’t we? Watch this space for the answer.
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